Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Decision I am proud of

lately, ii have been having little fights at home regarding my friends. Yew knw ii don't relli have frnz of my age .. frnz who are close to me, they 2-3 years older than me and this concept has always been a matter of question to my parents.

The fights mostly revolve around my choice of frnds. There have been times when my parents have asked me to stay away from a certain person because of God knows what reasons they have, very less times, ii have fought back. Usually ii just listen to them, nod and then carry on with whatever ii want and ii do avoid talking to those people in front of them .. but like 4 times, ii have fought back. Because those times, they were asking me to stay away from someone who was really close to me. You know all 4 cases .. and when the recent 4th one happened, I countered them by saying that ii had proof that they always not right. Though the other two are not my friends any longer, ii chose to separate by my own choice, not because they asked me to and those people btw turned out to be among those very few ii totally adored and were worth trusting. and then there is "you" .. I am SO greatful that ii never took their advice of not staying with yew. They also know now how close and inseparable we are.
See, parents are ALWAYS not correct ! I have strong instincts and ii know when to fight for someone and when not to.
I'd always be glad ii fought for yew .. Your the only one ii know would never make me regret my decision.


Love yew
>:D< >:D< >:D<
<3 <3 <3 <3

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