Saturday, July 10, 2010

My Testimonial To You

This is the testimonial ii wrote to yew which ii wrote while tears in eyes ..
I should have kept the date as well :/
but anyhow, em glad ii kept it before deleting orky profile ..

Here goes ..

Part 1

hey..i dnt knw y m writing this..buh m relli missing ya sumhw..nthing happnd..everything's fyn here buh still wanted to jst describe ma neverendin love fr yew..
Yew hav been d only one who has been by ma syd since i came here..n after comin to Dwarka, i met yew after a short period ov tym..n i still rememba our first meet..yew were at home n v came to take yew down to play wid us..4 yrs down d lyn..i still rememba each n everything..
all d tym v spent together ws jst amazing..i cn neva hav those moments bck..all d gossips v both did..all d fites v had..n most ov all..all d letters yew wrote to me wen i ws mad at yew..they make me cry weneva i read them (as it happend jst nw)..yew askd me to destroy them buh i still hav them (sawry bout dat)..buh i love to read them over n over again..i jst love them n i love yew too...

Part 2

i hav always lykd d way yew express urself thru ur mails (n letters)..
yewr stupid n messy handwriting, those unproper drawing (that wud jst go over d head ov ny1, i sumhw managed to undestand them), always writing "Love u" at d end..using a proper blend ov both english n hindi n always regretting to miss sumthing or d otha in d mails n letters...and olways apologizin fr sucha messy handwriting...i jst Love yew fr all those..i jst love yew
All d tym yew hav been here, i neva realisd hw precious yew are to me..i always used to write at d end ov ma mails..buh today..nw m truly sayig this frm bottom ov ma heart..I relli love yew Neha..n i cherish yew more than ny1 on dis whole earth..
i regret that till d tym yew were here, i neva huggd yew wid all d charm n nw m dying to do that..
m jst missing yew a lot..i dnt knw y m sending yew this as a testi..i havnt described yew here...jst described ma love towards yew..n m happy that m doing that

Part 3

M probably fr d first tym in ma lyf expressing ma love to ny1..n m glad m doing that cz yew knw i dnt do dat..m relli egoistic..buh ma love fr yew is more imp than ma ego (i dnt knw where did ego come in b/w).. see these kinda insensible things yew wrote in d letter..i jst love dem..yew drag nything in b/w nywhere..i jst love yew fr dat..

All in all..i jst love yew a lot n m missing yew lyk hell
to b honest, i console maself saying that v r in contact via e-mails n stuff buh i still want yew here wid me..
Ok m gonna stop..i cnt type properly..mah eyes r filld wid tears nw...i'll jst stop

Neha..jst rememba..i love yew n i olways will

--==lu\/ Ow/\yz™?
--==ROCK ON™?


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