Monday, October 4, 2010

. Its nice to write a little more .

hey :)
am in a mood to do some typing today :D

it's like, ii met Shubham and Shaorya today .. my childhood friends they are and yew know that already but stl ..
so yea, they got me back my OBs .. and there was this thing .. Aastha had written in it and then at few places, there were these comments by Tarang (ii didn't ask anyone but ii can nevr confuse her hardwriting with anyone else's) ..
now .. ii don't like people behaving that way .. yew know how much ii hate it when people are not honest to me about how they feel abt me ..ii don't demand someone to like me but ii also don't like when people try and be sweet to me when all they doing on my back is bitch about me ..

Jeez, how much ii wish ii had moe people to understand me ..
your the ONLY person who understands my completely .. yew know me in and out .. yew believe in me and yew love me with my flaws.
Mayne, ii dont think ii can get a guy to understand me that well .. we really should consider that sex change operation :P
Lol ;)

Well, am glad that ii have atleast yew who ii know will always be there for me even when the whole world turns it's back on me.
When ii think of yew, ii start to ignore what others think .. yew matter to me and whatever yew think, yew tell me :D
ii don't want anyone else to understand me, not as long as ii have yew in my life and that means its for lifetime that ii don't mind if noone understands me.

I am yet to buy yew your B'day card and post it .. sorry, am just not getting time :(
I'll try and buy it by tomorrow positively :D

I thought of writing so much for yew .. in so many months but ii was too lazy .. but i'll try and write mor and more for the remaining days :D

That's more like it for today ..
will get back soon :)

Luv ya lotssssssssss

Miss ya :(


>:D< >:D< >:D<


  1. happy bday...!!
    n ii knw u ll luv rashi's gift....

  2. awww rashi...sry from tarangs syd...:((((((
    really m feeling sry.
