Friday, October 8, 2010

typing side by side

hey :)

am talking to Shaorya .. and trying to convince him to write one birthday wish now ..! Jeez, how difficult can guys be :P

ii thought while am chatting, i'll type since ii aint doing anything else ..
and am still sick .. this fever aint leaving me :(

okay .. ii thought of putting up the piks of your letters .. that yew asked meh to throw after reading .. which o'course ii didnt :P
they are in my album :D
ii haven't read them in a long time .. ii know if ii read them, i'll cry !

omg .. your first letter .. it was soooo cute
ii loved the way yew thought a letter could clear the misunderstandings b/w us .. which indeed it did !
ii also loved the fact that yew came till Vishnu's house to hand it over to meh because yew didnt trust bhai enuf to leave it with him .. lol that was soo clever of yew :P

and those misunderstandings and stupid fights ..pata hai, ii can't remember a single time we fought after that .. that was the only time when we didn't talk to each other .. mostly me ii guess !

Oh jeez .. Nehaaaaa
ii wish ii could tell yew in a better way how much yew mean to me and what all ii have got because yew were always there with me ..
ii mean, all that ii have been through, all that yew have been through .. ii am GLAD that we both were there for each other ..
God only knows how would ii have handled myself if yew were not there ..
ii took so many falls .. and yew helped me get up to my feet ..
it was you who listened to me when noone else even cared about what was happening in my life ..
its you who has known me more than a good listener ..
and that thing yew wrote, 'you would die laughing is someone said ii am a quiet person' .. only YOU can do that because its only you ii love speaking to ..

I wish ii could do anything better and bigger than this to make yew feel special ..
because you are SPECIAL !

You deserve to smile .. yew deserve love ..

and ii truly LOVE you


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